Our system variants
MEISER Solar mounting systems for open area PV plants
We offer our frame system as a single or dual-axis system of variable length, adjusted to suit the module dimensions and orientation. The MEISER Solar mounting system is available in north-south and east-west orientations. Depending on the system, the PV modules can be affixed in a portrait or landscape layout. The module fastening can be adapted to suit the individual situation.
Small to medium terrain unevenness (east-west direction up to 2°) and the usual mounting and dimension tolerances (foundations, module dimensions) can be balanced out by the frame. For lager terrain gradients or difficult terrain changes, we can also offer custom solutions on a project-specific basis.
The posts are galvanized individually in our in-house galvanizing plant according to EN ISO 1461 or, in the case of particularly corrosive environments (soil class III), they can be manufactured with a Magnelis® coating.
The system advantages at a glance
- Self-explanatory, making it exceptionally easy to assemble
- Faster and therefore more cost-effective assembly
- Just a few individual parts: three main components, two screw types
- Can be installed with just two tools
- Simple cabling possible in C-rails
- Superb corrosion protection thanks to our extensive experience and the MEISER-specific galvanization process
- Made in Germany
MEISER Dyo: Single-pile mounting system for two rows of modules, portrait

- Suitable for modules with or without frames
- Project-specific structural analysis included, based on regional load values
- All mounting materials included in delivery
- Product guarantee for up to 40 years
MEISER Treis: Double-pile mounting system for three rows of modules, portrait

- Suitable for modules with or without frames
- Project-specific structural analysis included, based on regional load values
- All mounting materials included in delivery
- Product guarantee for up to 40 years
MEISER Hektos: Double-pile mounting system for six rows of modules, landscape

- Can also be installed on steep gradients
- Suitable for modules with or without frames
- Project-specific structural analysis included, based on regional load values
- All mounting materials included in delivery
- Product guarantee for up to 40 years
MEISER Tetartos: Double-pile mounting system for four rows of modules, portrait or landscapes

- Suitable for modules with or without frames
- Project-specific structural analysis included, based on regional load values
- All mounting materials included in delivery
- Product guarantee for up to 40 years
Give us a call and tell us about your project: +49 (0) 6887 9590 100